Friday, June 17, 2011

One of His little ones...

 This sweet young woman is a widow. She brought her 9 month old baby to us last week pleading with us to take her. She was living with her family and her Dad kicked her out, because she "can't help with the work".  The mom wants to get a job to support herself, but this little cutie is keeping her from doing it... She has 2 older children that she has already placed in the care of others. The mom loves her baby and has taken excellent care of her as you can see in the pictures. Please pray for them as we continue to see what can be worked out for her. I would love to see her be able to find a job and be able to keep her baby with her... we're still working on it... Sometimes it's hard for us to understand how a mom can love her baby and yet want to give her up, but we don't see the picture from their viewpoint either. She told Pastor L. that no real mother wants to give her child up, but when she can't provide for her, and she sees how loved and well cared for our children are, she thinks it is the best thing to do. The only thing she wants it to still be able to see her from time to time... Pastor L offered her a place to stay so that she can keep her baby, but it seems that she has her heart set on going back to Port where she grew up and she knows she can get a job... That's disappointing to me... I hope for the best for her and her little cutie. 

1 comment:

missionarymomma said...

yes, we will be praying. We have faced issues like this, and it can be very hard to know what is best.