Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Day {Pinata Fun}

Pinatas are becoming a tradition on Thanksgiving Day... This cow was tough... the children had varying ideas as to what kind of creature it was. Some thought a pig and one thought maybe it was a hippo. :-)

After the children had their fill, it took the big guys to break it!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Fun

The children think Thanksgiving Day is the best out of the whole year. We had an enjoyable day with the GTH crew...
Cherlise had fun spoiling Mikayla...
There were all kinds of relay races... This one really tested their teamwork abilities :-)
(Some of them needed a little bit of encouragement. It made all the difference if they could hold an adults hand...)

And that cute little pair, Kenneth and Janelle, made the best time. They actually won the race! Somehow they figured out how to hop together... 

Sack races... even the young people had to try... :-)
Love this little hopper... :-)

And this one, too...