Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our Day in TG/ Rose's Baptism #4

 Ok, I can't resist throwing in some of my favorite scenery pictures...
 I loved this line up of my boys looking out into the Carribean!

 Lunch and fellowship following the baptism
 Michael enjoying listening to the men talk. :)

 Jonathan holding a conversation with Darwin about monkeys! :)
And little Miss Karlee Jo!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our Day in TG/ Rose's Baptism #3

 Ready to head for TG! We traveled out together with a truck load from Allegre.
 Jonathan "talking" on the phone.
 Rachel taking a break while enjoying all the different toys!
Meredith K. and Loretta P. doing dished.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rose's Baptism #2

 On Saturday we all went to TG for the girls' baptism. It was special to have missionary and native friends all come together for the baptism and stay for lunch and fellowship afterwards.
 Pastor Levy was able to secure a waterfront property for the baptism. It was a beautiful spot and perfectly suited to our needs for the day!
 In the service before the baptism... some of Darv & Jo's family... 
 Darwin preaching with Franky interpreting.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rose's Baptism

 Rose was baptized along with Ashley (left) and Deidra (right) on Saturday.
 Here's the beginning of the pictures...
 It was a sweet, memorable time for all of us.


 ... and Rose. Please pray for these young ladies as they seek to serve the Lord with their whole hearts...
More pictures coming... I had too many to post them all in one post, so keep checking!


   We're still here! I have so many pictures to post when I have time to do it! Life has been incredibly hectic the last few weeks... This past week was no exception...

    On Tuesday Lor, Weston and I went to TG, and that night I got a text message from my maid asking me to call her. My heart always sinks when I get a text like that 'cause I wonder what went wrong... I called and she told me that they had a bad storm up here. Lightning had struck somewhere and they didn't have any electric. Checking into it the next morning revealed that the inverter had apparently been blown out by the jolt.

    I cut out some business that I had planned to take care of in TG, and we headed home. At home it was down to the business of setting a small generator to run the freezer and refrigerator and checking to see how everything survived the jolt. I felt it was God that led me to unplug the sat system, and we both unplugged our computers and the chargers before we had left (which I never do!) My weather station was out, but a reset got it back up and running. Everything else worked fine, which was something we are thanking God for. The only thing damaged was the inverter. That is a big enough loss, but it could have been so much worse!

      God blessed us with a wonderful electrician friend and brother in Christ, who was willing to drop his plans on the spur of the moment and fly down from the States with his wife to install our new inverter. Lamar and Miriam flew in on Saturday around noon and after a 5 hour trip yet to our place by evening we were running off of our new inverter! It was a double blessing to be able to have that short time of fellowship with them while they were here.

      That strike frightened the children pretty bad, and Bethany thought maybe they had lived on earth too long, so God was just going to take them to heaven. :) They get pretty tense when we even have distant thunder, but I think with time, they'll be able to relax again. We're kind of guessing that the bolt might have hit our 60' wind turbine (which has a lightning arrestor on & wasn't damaged), just outside the house. Being on top of the mountain makes our area a prime target for strikes.

      God is so good! "O give thanks unto the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever!"

     This past weekend was a busy one with Rose's baptism, and we're still trying to catch up on everything... Keep checking back, I have lots of pictures to post!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blessed are the flexible...

It was 8:30 Wednesday evening. I had just rocked my baby to sleep, and was finishing up the story I was reading to Rose, when I got a skype call from A. Steve, who had gone out to T.G. with the dump truck had broken down on his way up with a load, and was stranded along the trail. He was bringing some supplies up for me on that load, so instead of going to bed like I intended, I packed up and headed down the trail toward T.G.. I teamed up with Michael who was also heading out for a load in his truck. It was kind of nice relaxing ride in the dark knowing that it was too late for cycles to be out, and the cool night air was rather refreshing. We got out there around 10 and were able to get the most necessary items on the 3 vehicles that we had. 2 guys were left with the dump truck to guard the cement and rebar that had to stay. We headed back up the trail and got home just after midnight. It felt so good to be home again, and I was really ready to hit the hay then! But Weston woke up and discovered that I had been gone, and thought that he didn't dare even sleep away from me for fear that I would leave him again! After about 3 tries, I finally got him to sleep sound enough that I could lay him down, and called it a day... Blessed are the flexible for they shall not get bent out of shape!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hotdog Roast

 One night we had a hot dog roast after dark in honor of the boy's birthday...
 The children were thrilled with it, but those of us that are used to the big roaring bonfires, it was just a little disappointing, but still fun!
 we did manage to scare up a little wood, to have a little bit of a fire later in the evening...
Rose made french fries, and Thea grilled the hotdogs. :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Making Citron Juice

 Bethany is already a big help with a lot of things... Here she is squeezing the citron (key limes) to make juice. We all love citron juice, and drink a lot of it when they're in season.

Friday, July 1, 2011

First Grade!

 Rachel is enjoying first grade very much! I love to watch her during class time. She acts like this is old hat to her, and she knows her stuff! Now that there's 5 of them in school, it's really nice that she can work a lot on her own!