Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pictures of the road...

Yesterday Michael and Jessi from Allegre attempted to make an emergency run to T-Goave with a suspected appendicitis case, and this is what they found... They stopped in here on the way back and were showing me the pictures...
part of the road washed away...
 landslides wreaked major havoc...
 I posted this picture for 2 reasons... it almost gives me the shivers to see how close this guy is to the edge in that slippery mud, and also you can see that the mud is so deep at places it comes up to his knees!
 It's kind of hard to see, but these guys are pushing a cycle through some pretty deep mud!
 another picture of the same spot...
... Michael was able to arrange with a cycle to take the sick person the rest of the way to the hospital... I hope she was able to make it ok... I haven't heard yet what the prospects are for the road... It looks like it needs a dozer, and it's not uncommon for the road to be out for 2 weeks after an event like this, depending on how much needs done... When we had hurricanes in 2008, the road had some pretty major washouts and we were hauling supplies in on mules for at least a week or two! 

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