Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Earthquake flashback

 The other evening we had a Cd playing as we went about our work. The song "In the Rifted Rock I'm Resting" came on and immediately Cherlise (5) said, "Oh! That's a song from the earthquake!" I didn't understand, and asked her what she meant. "Yes," she said, "You sang that in the earthquake!" I could hardly believe my ears. I just so remember singing to calm the children (and myself!) while we endured the many hard aftershocks, and while I can see that I would've sang that song, I didn't remember any of it! It's incredible to think that she remembered the song and the scenario from when she was only 3!

In the rifted Rock I'm resting,
Safely sheltered, I abide;
There no foes nor storms molest me,
While within the cleft I hide.

Chorus: Now I'm resting, sweetly resting,
In the cleft once made for me:
Jesus, blessed Rock of Ages,
I will hide myself in Thee.

Long pursued by sin and Satan,
Weary, sad I longed for rest;
Then I found this heav'nly shelter,
Opened in my Saviour's  breast.

Peace which passeth understanding,
Joy, the world can never give,
Now in Jesus I am finding;
In His smiles of love I live.

In the Rifted Rock I'll hide me,
Till the storms of life are past,
All secure in this blest refuge,
Heeding not the fiercest blast.


♥ Amy said...

What a truly beautiful song. And what a precious memory.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog (Did you notice I added you to my blog roll so I don't miss anything?). Your ministry is a blessing to me.

Unknown said...

I remember that day like yesterday!!!!