Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pouring the roof...

 Almost finished with the forming up...
 Of course, no job ought to be accomplished without some fun... :)
 The bucket brigade. They would pass the bucket from on to the next up the ladder to be emptied on the roof.

 See that guy hanging on the rope? That's how they would send the empty buckets down... Pretty neat, eh?! :)
 Here's what it looked like up on the roof...
 Mme Antonio cooking food for all the workers...
 Rose enjoyed hauling water for the concrete. :)
 Here you can see how it's all supported underneath the concrete/forms...
 getting there...
 But it got dark before they were finished... I love these silhouettes... :)

*Photo credits go to Cherise! Thanks so much!*

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Great Photos, Cherise! I especially love the last one. Sunlight is wonderful, agreed? (= Looks like the work is coming right along there,I've been praying for you all.
May God bless you all, we are unofficial followers!